Altman Beats up Kean, Jr. After Johnson Vote

Altman: “Tom Kean Jr. owes it to his constituents to stop hiding and explain this indefensible vote”

Lambertville, NJ – Sue Altman, Democratic candidate for New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District, released the following statement in reaction to Rep. Tom Kean Jr. voting for Rep. Mike Johnson for Speaker of the House:

“As if his vote for Jim Jordan weren’t shameful enough, Tom Kean Jr. just helped elect a bigot who wants to ban same-sex marriage as the Speaker of the House. Once again, he’s shown his moderate rhetoric is nothing but an act, and that he is willing to throw the LGBTQ community under the bus and risk the rights they have won in order to further his political career and consolidate power in Washington D.C. Tom Kean Jr. owes it to his constituents to stop hiding and explain this indefensible vote.”


About Sue Altman

Sue Altman is a proud daughter of New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District. She grew up in Clinton, attended Clinton Public School and Voorhees High School, and still calls Hunterdon County her home today, living in Lambertville.

After leading her Voorhees High School basketball team to local championships, Sue played college basketball at Columbia University and professional basketball abroad, earned two graduate degrees from Oxford University in the UK, then went on to become a teacher and successful basketball coach–leading two teams to state championships.

For the last several years, Sue has served as Executive Director of the New Jersey Working Families Alliance, a non-profit organization focused on fighting political corruption in Trenton, fighting against the waste of taxpayer dollars, and making New Jersey a better place to live for everyone.

Sue has seen firsthand that rising costs and unfair taxes–including the Trump-era SALT deduction cap–are making it harder for the people of the 7th District to raise families, own homes, and retire in their own communities. Driven by a deep commitment to keep fighting for those communities where she was raised, Sue is now taking her years of experience advocating for a fairer system that works for all New Jerseyans and is running for Congress in her home district.

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10 responses to “Altman Beats up Kean, Jr. After Johnson Vote”

  1. How is this news? Sue Altman is Kean’s opponent, she would criticize his choice of a meal for dinner if it gained her press. But we did get her bio in a second straight article….

  2. Ms Altman it seems by your comments you’re ready to join the SQUAD. I’m sure Tlaib, AOC,Bush, and Omar will welcome you at their rallies.

  3. This is not news. It is a hit piece on an elected political opponent and his party by an unelected, inexperienced candidate. It provides little in the way of verifiable facts about actions or positions by Congressmen Kean and Johnson. InsiderNJ should have provided a balanced report on Kean/Johnson and Altman, instead of parroting Altman’s biased talking points. InsiderNJ might be viewed as endorsing the Democratic candidate by puffing up her resume while not dedicating equal time to the accomplishments of respected members of Congress. InsiderNJ is supposed to be a nonpartisan outlet. You folks surely can do a better job with a balanced, unbiased attempt to frame issues important to NJ residents.

  4. Kean’s votes, first for a functional idiot, Jordan, and finally for a Taliban like religious nationalist who thinks that he was appointed by God to spread his brand of bigotry should follow him all through the coming campaigns.

    Kean’s contempt for the rule of law, for human rights, for liberty, for decency are fully exposed. He is a straight up bigot.

  5. It’s always laughable to see Dems complain about “unfair taxes” when they’re out there demanding tax cuts for the rich – as long as they live in blue states. It’s probably good politics, but it’s rotten policy. If people in NJ pay too much in state and local taxes – and they do – the solution is to elect Republicans to state and local office to cut taxes and spending, not to seek subsidies from out-of-staters.

    This woman’s first vote would be to empower an election-denying socialist who believes that $2T in annual deficits isn’t enough spending, in open borders, and that punishing criminals, not crime, is a problem. Jeffries is so extreme he makes Pelosi look moderate. And that’s the guy this woman would see as Speaker.

  6. It isn’t laughable when Republicans whine about taxes while children get blown away by their idiot worship of weapons of war based on the inability to understand the words “well regulated militia.” And of course, they don’t give a crap about the parts of the bill of rights guaranteeing freedom of religion and freedom from religion, nor do they care about the environment. They want to crawl into people’s bedrooms and regulate their bodies while lying that the want “freedom” and “small goverment.” But TAXES!!! One thing one can see in any Republican, Kean being no exception, is a complete lack of a sense of decency. At long last, they have no sense of decency, none.

  7. I’m from Hunterdon County and a member of its basketball community. Sue Altman is highly successful and accomplished in both her athletic and academic endeavours. She asks THE question that needs to be answered, Why endorse a far right wing sycophant to the third most important office in the American hierarchy? He is anti-woman, anti-democracy, and worst of all yet another compromised fool doing the bidding of the most dangerous traitor in American History. Still denying the 2020 election????Think before you attack an impressive local woman seeking to serve NJ and America. This is not partisan, it’s survival.

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