An Apology to Casino Workers (and patrons) we Harmed

NJ lawmakers meet today to close the loophole that permits smoking in casinos. 

Twenty years ago, before I made a name in NJ politics legalizing weed and gay rights, I joined the movement to ban indoor smoking. Keeping cigarettes out of indoor spaces was, in fact, my gateway into NJ politics.

I wrote about living in California when America’s very first smoking ban kicked in on New Years Day, 1998. I was a cigarette smoker and quick to gripe about the new law to anyone who’d listen. I  resented not being able to smoke at bars because it seemed like an integral part of the “going out” experience. But it wasn’t long before my attitude on the smoking ban softened. In fact, I ended up smoking less and eventually gave it up. The sky didn’t fall. And untimely, people who’d long avoided smokey bars and restaurants could breathe easier going out.

In many cases, business actually got better.


Back then, the gambling industry lobbied aggressively to allow cigarettes in New Jersey casinos and it worked. So the legislation included carveouts for cigarette smoking in Atlantic City’s casinos, an exception that persists to this day.

So for an entire generation, the health and safety of casino workers (and patrons) took a backseat to an increasingly misguided argument that smoking in casinos is somehow good for business. Spoiler alert: Smoking is definitely not good for business.

Back then, those carveouts felt like pragmatism, a comprise to get tough legislation over the line as the lameduck session was winding down. And maybe it was pragmatic. But I was also shameful that, in the process, we basically agreed to toss casino workers under the bus to pass the bill.

And nobody seal-clapped the process louder than I did. And that’s why I owe a huge apology to an entire generation of casino workers whose health we sacrificed in the name of pragmatism.

Back then, I was new to politics and cripplingly naive about sausage making.  And so I went along with the compromise (quite uncritically, in fact) mostly because I was eager to make a name for myself on an issue I cared about.

Basically, I wanted to get the win.

I wasn’t lighting my hair on fire to protect casino workers like I would today. Instead, I was fantasizing about the signing ceremony for our flawed legislation. I was too busy wondering if my advocacy might land me on a power list to actually speak truth to power. I’m embarrassed just thinking about it.

Now let’s be honest. The loophole to permit casino smoking was carved out by the powerful and mighty of NJ politics and I had no control over it either way, whatsoever. Then and now, that’s all way above my pay grade.

But I was there the whole time, helping to create a climate that made it okay to jeopardize the health of so many for so long just to pass a bill. Shame on me for that. And shame on us all for waiting this long to right this wrong.

Politics is not possible without compromise. And the idea that people were harmed by compromises I’ve made is painful to acknowledge. I rarely contemplate the collateral damage of the progress I fight for, clearly something I should have been doing this whole time.

I got into politics to help people and I’m sure many people did benefit from NJ’s smoking ban. But if NJ’s half-assed indoor smoking ban has taught us anything it’s that people can be harmed by the compromises we made.

Even the good compromises.

Jay Lassiter is an award-winning writer and podcaster based in Cherry Hill. 

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3 responses to “An Apology to Casino Workers (and patrons) we Harmed”

  1. Wonder if yhere is compensation, my mom worked day on day out for over 30 years forced retirement for health reasons due to smoke. Wow now the ban! Soany have lost their lives due to second hand smoke. Smoking smh, an apology. Whelp. Doing AC!

  2. I watched my best friend struggle with stage 4 cancer as she continued to work in the smoke in the casino. One patron was a chain smoker who would light one up before the other cigarette was even out. When she said something to him about it his response was, “what do you care your not buying them”. It’s responses like that and ignorance that have led us down this road. My friend lost her battle over a year ago, her life and struggle would have been easier if she didn’t have to deal with the damn smoke! Why is a waiter/waitresses life more important than mine? Cigarette smoking was banned from restaurants years ago, and it didn’t hurt businesses. Why in this day and age are we still struggling to have clean air? Coal miners have black lung as an occupational hazard. What will they call our lungs when we’re dying from second hand smoke? Remember Dana Reeves, a woman who worked in night clubs and didn’t smoke came down with lung cancer. A former congress man told me that a lot of money changed hands to make sure casinos were exempt from the smoking ban. I dont care if people want to play Russian roulette with their lives but why should I suffer as a result? Our law makers need to do better by us! Right the wrong already!!!

  3. My name is Daniel Vicente. I’m the Director of UAW Region 9 which together with C.E.A.S.E. NJ have brought a lawsuit against Gov. Murphy and the Health Secretary. This article brought a tear to my eye. Everyone, including myself, make decisions we later regret. Even when we believe we are acting in good faith we sometimes don’t yet understand the longer term repercussion’s or unforseen consequences of our decisions. That is a part of life, but another more difficult part of life is admitting to mistakes particular in a public space. For that you have my gratitude. My members deserved equal protection under the law in 2006 and they still deserve it now. We cannot go back and fix the past but we absolutely can refuse to continue going forward without justice. We DEMAND the end to smoking in our workplaces and WILL NOT compromise with our lives any longer. Solidarity Forever!!!

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