In Atlantic City, Guardian to Run Unopposed in GOP Primary

Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian will be the only Republican running in the June primary, while the Democrats have given their backing to Councilman Frank Gilliam, who’s facing a crowded field of three other contenders. The Press of Atlantic has the story here.
Guardian was expected to face Joe Polillo, a perennial candidate, in the GOP primary but Polillo has opted to run as an independent. Last month, he kicked off his re-election campaign outside of City Hall against the backdrop of the state takeover.
Guardian told Insider NJ that “over the coming months, I look forward to working hard with my City Council candidates Ron Bailey, Stacey Kammerman, and Paul Tonacci, to demonstrate why we believe we are the best team to rebuild Atlantic City and move it forward. I will be asking for one more term to finish what I started four years ago. I am also excited that my three Council candidates bring a wealth of experience and community involvement that will make them excellent public servants on behalf of the residents of Atlantic City.”
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