Bergen GOP Policy Committee Backs Trump for Prez

Chairman Jack Zisa presided over the Bergen GOP Policy Committee meeting tonight. A closed ballot vote followed. Winners will receive an asterisk next to their names on the convention ballot later this month. Tonight’s winners:

For President of the United States: Donald J. Trump 55

Nikki Haley 8

For U.S. Senate: Christine Serrano Glassner  17

Curtis Bashaw   12

Steve Boston: 0

Albert Harshaw 2

Brian Jackson 2

Justin Murphy 0

Fred Schneiderman 16

Alex Zdan 13

For U.S. Congress – 5th District: Mary Jo Guinchard   28

Chandiha Gajapathy 1

Dierdre G. Paul  13

George Song 21

For U.S. Congress – 9th District: Billy Prempeh   37

Hector Castillo 24

For Sheriff: Chief Robert Kugler 36

Michael Devine  17

Christopher R. Musto  11

For County Commissioner: Michael Joseph  57

Dave Plotkin   56

Linda Barba   5

Said Chairman Zisa, “I’m very excited to see so many Republicans stepping up to be candidates in the 2024 election. After suffering through the radical progressive administrations of Joe Biden and Phil Murphy, whose policies have trickled down to Bergen County government, we believe voters are ready for a change to leaders who put America’s middle class ahead of criminals, illegal aliens and far-left progressive causes.”

The nominating convention is Tuesday, March 19 at the Hasbrouck Heights VFW, where county committee members and Republican elected officials will vote for the candidates of their choosing. Winners will be awarded the Bergen County column and slogan.

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