Booker Criticizes Trump’s Executive Order on Climate Change

U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) this afternoon condemned President Donald Trump’s Executive Order to roll back former President Barack Obama’s climate change initiatives.
Trump’s order curbs the federal government’s enforcement of climate regulations by putting American jobs above addressing climate change, according to this report.
“Today is a sad day for our nation, and for our planet. With the stroke of his pen, President Trump is doing serious damage to nearly a decade of progress on one of the most defining – and important – issues of our time,’ said Booker, widely regarded as a 2020 challenger to Trump. “Climate change is an urgent economic and national security challenge that is already beginning to have disastrous effects.
“This Executive Order only makes sense if you think climate change is a hoax created by China and you’re living in a state of denial about the very real harm it is doing to our environment, our economy, and our world,” added the New Jersey senator. “This order will set back our nation’s progress in combatting the threat of climate change, and hurt the emerging clean energy industry – putting us behind global competitors and costing American jobs in the long run.
“I plan to do everything in my power to oppose this executive action every step of the way.”
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