Chaneyfield Jenkins Does Her Local Version of the Murphy Dishwasher Ad
It worked for Murphy- the invocation of earlier blue collar employment.
Now Newark mayoral challenger Gayle Chaneyfield Jenkins is employing a similar campaign tactic.
In her first web ad of the season, Chaneyfield Jenkins – attired in kitchen whites – talks about pressure, and her ability to withstand it based in part on her professional record as a cook.
To watch the web ad, “Gayle can handle the heat,” please go here.
Running against incumbent Mayor Ras Baraka, Chaneyfield Jenkins, incidentally, was a very early Murphy backer, while the mayor was still attached to fledgling gubernatorial candidate Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop.
Murphy backs Baraka for mayor.
But still, the governor and Central Ward councilwoman appear to at least still share a campaign theme and kitchen – if not kitchen table issues – narrative.
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