Christie Pulls Plug on Prez Bid

Former Governor Chris Christie will end his 2024 bid for the presidency, according to published news reports.

“It is clear to me tonight that there isn’t a path for me to win the nomination, which is why I’m suspending my campaign tonight for President of the United States,” said Christie at a New Hampshire town hall event.

It’s over.

Christie also ran unsuccessfully for president eight years ago but failed to find any traction amid bottomed out poll numbers in his home state in the aftermath of the Bridgegate scandal. He tried to make himself politically relevant by awarding his support to the party frontrunner, TV personality Donald J. Trump.

Christie’s early endorsement proved key as a headline representation of establishment support for Trump, but the New Jersey Republican failed to land a job in the administration when Trump became president.

Later, as a TV pundit in his post gubernatorial incarnation, the former NJ governor jabbed at Trump as he repackaged himself for a 2024 presidential campaign, determined to eke out a GOP primary lane as an anti-Trump Republican.

He couldn’t do it, however, and tonight signaled his willingness to surrender ahead of New Hampshire.

Christie made clear his continuing vigorous opposition to the former Republican President.

“I am going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again – and that’s more important than my own personal ambition,” said the former New Jersey Governor.

The remark received applause from his adherents.

From CNN in the wake of his announcement:

Chris Christie’s campaign will be “going dark” for a few days after the former New Jersey governor announced that he is dropping out of the GOP presidential race on Wednesday, said senior adviser Maria Comella.

Any concerns Christie has about the state of the race were made clear in his speech at the event in New Hampshire, Comella said.

She wouldn’t comment directly on remarks that appeared to be heard on a hot mic of the livestream of the town hall. Christie was heard saying: “She’s gonna get smoked and you and I both know it. She’s not up to this,” which was an apparent reference to former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

No decision has been made on who Christie may or may not endorse in the near future.

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2 responses to “Christie Pulls Plug on Prez Bid”

  1. Two-time Presidential Loser. The guy is a Deep State hack. He’s an attorney. Right there, that’s all you need to know. The guy is a pettifogger and shyster. He’s a former U.S. District Attorney for N.J. He was/is part of the Deep State. He claims he’s friends with Deep State FBI Director Christopher Wray. He was a former Assemblyman in New Jersey. As a 2-term Governor for NJ he screwed New Jersey taxpayers for 8 years, culminating in taking NJ from 4th lowest gasoline tax state to 4th highest gasoline tax state, so he could get inheritance/”death” tax laws eliminated for his wealthy donor friends. Well, Democrats running NJ (into the ground) are reinstating the inheritance/”death” tax while keeping NJ’s gasoline taxes in the stratosphere. Christie never lowered NJ property taxes as one of his campaign platforms. He liked to say that the State isn’t involved with local property taxes that are linked to school taxes. Really??? Then why did the Legislature pass the sales tax, income tax, lottery, horse race betting, Off-Track betting, Casino gambling, on-line gambling, sports betting, and marijuana sales promising it would all go to “property tax relief”????

    Chris Christie wants to say he will never allow Trump to become President again. Well, his stupidity knows no bounds. He wound up laser-focusing all Americans on his Trump Derangement Syndrome. That’s why he got no traction in his campaign.

    No, he was only in it for the money through paid media appearances, and publicity for his presumably upcoming book. He’ll probably get some left-wing lobbying job where he won’t have to do much work and make millions doing it. As famed radio announcer Bob Grant said: “He’s a fake, phoney and a fraud”.

  2. Your hero Bob Grant had much more of an open mind than you. While I rarely listened to him at home, he was always on when I visited my uncle, who is a moderate. In one instance, a caller very articulately rebutted one of Grant’s talking points AND GRANT AGREED WITH HIM, only to be unmercifully excoriated by the next caller, who was “my way or the Highway “ idealogue like you who is consumed with self-affirmation bias. Though I very rarely agreed with Mr. Grant, I recognize that he had a highly developed intelligence. It is no accident that he and another talk show host at WOR, Jay Diamond, also gifted with a keen mind, even though they had many divergent political views, appreciated the other as human beings. When you invoke false imagery such as ‘the deep state’ and carry a torch for the most dangerous man in America, Mr. Trump, you reveal the real danger of your embrace of nativist fascism that the Trump train would ride Our Democracy off the cliff. Had Trump had a better and CONSISTENT response to the pandemic, he would have been re-elected in 2020. This Fascist KNEW he would do well with voters who voted at the polls ON ELECTION DAY, but would lose with the voters who rightfully rejected his cavalier and ignorant view that the pandemic was a hoax or not to be taken seriously, and who prudently VOTED BY MAIL. And Trump took millions of lemmings like you off a cliff, when you believed his lies that the election was ‘stolen.’ It is you, TJ, who cannot see the forest for the trees.

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