Republican Senator, Assemblymen Denounce Donation Made by Former Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino

Senator Kristin Corrado, Assemblyman Kevin Rooney and Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips release a statement condemning the donation of $2500 contribution by former Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino to the Democratic candidate for Morris County Sheriff.

Trenton, NJ, May 24, 2019— District 40 Republicans Senator Kristin Corrado (R-Passaic),  Assemblyman Kevin Rooney (R-Bergen), and Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips (R-Bergen) issued the following statement regarding news of former Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino’s renewed affiliation with the Republican Party and his recent contribution to Morris County Democrat Candidate for Sheriff.

“As the only legislators who represent towns in both Morris and Bergen counties, we find it disturbing but not surprising to learn that flip-flopping former Bergen County Sheriff Michael Saudino recently made a $2500 contribution to William Schivella, the Morris County Democrat’s endorsed candidate for Sheriff. We have news for Mr. Saudino: ‘the joke is over.’ If his actions met his rhetoric, he would be supporting tried and true Republicans like Morris County Sheriff James Gannon.  Further, we demand that Democrat Candidate William Schivella return Saudino’s $2500 contribution and immediately denounce his hateful, racist, sexist and homophobic rhetoric. Morris and Bergen County residents deserve better. Those who are shamelessly interested in only serving themselves have no place in public office.”

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