The Craziest Place in Town

Insider NJ's Fred Snowflack argues that action on expanding background checks for buying a gun and banning military-style firearms is needed after the latest mass shootings.

Rockaway Township was a crazy place politically in 2018.

Let’s see, Republicans were fighting among themselves, there were lawsuits, chaotic meetings, attempts to recall the council president, and sadly, the death of then-mayor, Michael Dachisen.

The newly-elected mayor, Michael Puzio, was actually endorsed by both Democrats and Republicans. Puzio is a Republican, but he backed Democrat Mikie Sherrill for Congress. With Puzio having feet on both sides of the aisle, one may think 2019 figures to be a bit more peaceful in one of Morris County’s largest towns.

Not so.

Infighting continues over the post of township attorney, but that’s really not all that unusual. In fact, it’s common. After all, we are talking about a lucrative patronage post.

What seems more typical of the current state of affairs is controversy over the date of the annual reorganization meeting. That’s right, the date.

The township’s website as of Monday morning says the meeting will take place Jan. 1 at 7:30 p.m.  Now, New Year’s Day is a traditional time for this sort of thing, but these meetings generally are at noon, or thereabouts. They are just about never at night.

It gets better. Right alongside the note telling folks the reorganization meeting is at 7:30 p.m. New Year’s Day is a memo from the mayor-to-be, Puzio, saying that six council members, which would be a quorum, don’t plan to show up. If so, so much for the meeting.

The new year is already crazy in Rockaway Township, and it hasn’t even started yet.

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