Disappointed Lesniak Lights Up Green in Email Blast to Union Mayors

Senator Ray Lesniak’s (D-20) spat with Union County Democratic Committee Chairman Jerry Green continued over the weekend in advance of tonight’s political scedule in the senator home town of Elizabeth.
Phil Murphy, the Democratic front-runner for governor, has scheduled a town hall event in the city, on the same night that Lesniak – also pursuing the governorship – has a fundraiser at his Elmora home.
Lesniak hoped to get support for his event from establishment Democrats led by county Party Chairman Jerry Green, but it was not to be, as the county – behind Lesniak’s apparent successor, Sheriff-turned-Senate candidate Joe Cryan, tilts toward Murphy.
The county committee, in fact, just last week gave its support to Murphy over home county brand name Lesniak.
The retiring senator let his feeling be known about Green in an email CC’d to Union County Democratic mayors.
It is reprinted below:
“Gerry [sic], thank you for your support.Four times you asked me to elect a mayor in Plainfield and four times I came to your assistance and achieved victory. When Joe Cryan challenged you for county chair, I supported you. But you have chosen to throw loyalty out the window.
“Murphy has spent $10 million to get 17% support. This will be a close race among Murphy, Wisniewski and me. Regardless of the outcome, as Dr. King said, the true measure of a man or woman is not where they stand in times of comfort or convenience but where they stand in times of controversy and conflict. In NJ politics today, loyalty and fighting for Democratic principles has given way to the almighty dollar.”
Politics… it truly is a difficult business, especially for those that want to do the right thing.
Ally yourself with the people you trust and that you believe have the character to lead. If you truly want to serve the people in an elected position yourself, then do it for the right reasons, always be true to yourself and recognize that if integrity is your guide, there will certainly be challenges along the way. That is the guarantee, but it is the only way when you turn out the lights to be able to go to sleep at night with a clear conscience.
Integrity really matters. I was a Freeholder and I am therefore very familiar with many of the people you read about in the newspaper today. I can honestly tell you I’ve met some good hearted people in politics in both parties and have also met people that are truly unable to hide their pure personal motives for being in politics. It’s about them and their benefit.
You want to stay away from those. These are the people that put their hand on the Bible and then when they are told what to do…they do it. Blind loyalty is exacted of them. It’s a non-negotiable.
Spend the people’s money? ‘no problem!’ Bond as much as you can, ‘you got it’. Hire the incompetent, ‘how many?’
‘Do as I say and you will be rewarded with a job or a position of prestige and power.’ That is what certain party chieftains use as their definition of loyalty. Fortunately there are some that do no operate that way.
So I say to those that are young or to those who for the first time have decided to make a commitment to public service. You can. There is still space for you. Work hard to identify those individuals that are the profiteers, that hop on the bandwagon of the person that has the best fed horse, but with the feed that has been stolen from the community’s shed. That is what they have been doing for years. They are now silent because their ring leader is now riding off into the sunset even though they raised money for him, supported him and received benefits from him. That’s what the article is about.
Don’t be disenchanted by the political noise, the demagoguery and subterfuge. In the world of politics, patience also matters, for nothing is permanent. Dictators fall. Always.
There are some that won’t be able to comment here on this post let alone like it. I understand why you don’t. It’s ok. Its just important that you recognize the nature of what has taken place in Union County and how eventually decency will win the day.
The sun goes down but it also rises for the new day. We will be there when the sun rises.
Ghandi had a wonderful quote, “Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.”
Karma’s a beach…..