Florio Law Firm Restructures Without Fader


Founded in 1996 by former Governor James J. Florio and Michael J. Perrucci, powerhouse law firm Florio Perrucci Steinhardt & Fader, LLC today announced a restructuring,

Paul T. Fader will no longer be associated with the firm.

The firm’s new name, Florio, Perrucci, Steinhardt and Cappelli reflects the last name of partner, Lou Cappelli, Jr., Camden County Freeholder Director, who joined the firm in 2007. The firm includes the continuing expertise of Gail Gordon (wife of state Senator Bob Gordon), Hoboken Mayor-elect Ravi Bhalla, and East Orange Mayor Lester Taylor.

Cappelli has been practicing law for 30 years and has extensive experience in education, governmental and regulatory affairs, labor, lobbying, real estate, family and personal injury law.

“The firm’s commitment to exceptional legal representation has always been the polestar of its success, said Florio.  “We are pleased and optimistic about the restructuring and believe that it represents the best potential for our continued growth and vitality.  We look forward to serving our clients’ ongoing needs in the same powerful and professional manner that they have long been accustomed.

Florio added, “We wish Paul well in his future endeavors.”  



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