Gloucester GOP Tap Shivery for Surrogate

At a meeting of the Gloucester County Republican Executive Committee yesterday held in Mullica Hill, Republicans selected Greenwich Township Mayor George W. Shivery, Jr. as their candidate for Gloucester County Surrogate in the upcoming special election.

“I was happy to give Mayor Shivery the news that he was unanimously selected as our candidate for Surrogate,” Gloucester County Republican Chairwoman Jacci Vigilante said. “Last year George won his sixth term as mayor of Greenwich Township, despite a voter registration disadvantage of roughly 5-1. He’s obviously got the ability to bring Democrats into the Republican column. As an organization we’re excited to have him on the countywide ticket.”

Shivery is in his 16th year as mayor of Greenwich Township. Prior to winning election as mayor Shivery was on the Greenwich Township Board of Education for six years and served as its Vice President.

“I’m thankful for the confidence the Gloucester County Republican Executive Committee has in me and look forward to an aggressive campaign season,” Shivery said. “Given that very few people know what the Surrogate does, as a career educator, it’ll be important that I make certain voters know what their County Surrogate does, make the difference between my opponent and me clear and show why I’m the better choice for the position.”

Shivery added, “The Surrogate’s office is actually very well run, I don’t see myself trying to fix something that isn’t broken. I believe the position is largely administrative and since I have served as our Township Administrator at no additional cost to taxpayers since 2006, who better to be the next Surrogate.”

“I look forward to working with Chairwoman Vigilante and her team to bring voters into the Republican column up and down the ballot,” Shivery said.

George W. Shivery, Jr. was re-elected Mayor of Greenwich Township for his sixth consecutive term on November 7, 2017. Prior to becoming Mayor in 2002 Shivery served for six years on the Greenwich Township Board of Education, four of those years as Vice President, a Commissioner on the New Jersey Mosquito Commission and a past president of the Gloucester County Mayor’s Association.

Active in the community, Shivery is a member of VFW Post #5579 Auxiliary (his father was a charter member and past Commander of the Post), a member of the Board of Education of Guardian Angles Regional Catholic School, President of Mullica Hill Rifle and Pistol Club, a member of the Elks Lodge and the Loyal Order of the Moose.

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