Mendez Unofficially Wins Ward 3 Paterson Recount
Today was the recount for the Paterson Third Ward seat.
The result was Alex Mendez: 1,598
Bill McKoy: 1,358
Brown: 42
Spencer: 118
Buggs: 298
McKoy picked up eight aditional votes in the loss, Mendez three.
Now McKoy’s challenge goes to the next round of the process.
Based on errors committed by the electors, McKoy said, the incumbent councilman “has reason to believe and does believe, that errors were made in the counting of the votes from each district within the Third Ward of the city of Paterson. Such errors include abnormalities concerning tabulations by each district board and by the Passaic County Board of Elections and/or Board of Canvessers, as well as mistakes in declaring the results of the Election.”
McKoy also says he believes the election contained the improper harvesting of ballots, with between 300 and 1,163 uncounted ballots expressly disqualified by the Board of Elections due to concerns about voter fraud.