LD26 Flashpoint: Lyon Upbraids DeCroce for D Rating from Americans for Prosperity; Salutes Webber

Republican Morris County Freeholder Hank Lyon this afternoon tore into Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce (R-26) after Americans for Prosperity – New Jersey (AFP-NJ), gave her a “D” on taxpayers’ issues.
“Despite representing one of the most conservative districts in our state, Assemblywoman DeCroce fought for the recent 23-cent per gallon gas tax hike and has voted for bigger government, more spending, and more bonding without voter approval. The new AFP-NJ scorecard shows the importance of electing conservatives who will fight for lower taxes, less debt, and more freedom in New Jersey,” Lyon said.
“As time has moved on, it seems Assemblywoman DeCroce’s voting record has become more
and more liberal,” he added.
Lyon then congratulated DeCroce’s running mate, Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26), for his “perfect taxpayer rating from AFP-NJ, and made the case that he is best positioned to serve with Webber in the Assembly.
“I want to congratulate Assemblyman Jay Webber for earning an A+ from AFP-NJ. As the only candidate who consistently agrees with Assemblyman Webber on the issues, I believe I am best suited to go to Trenton to work with him and other conservatives to fight for taxpayers,” Lyon said.
Chris Russell, spokesman from DeCroce, hit back with a statement.
“After voting to increase county property taxes by $8 million last year and county spending by $20 million over the last two years in Morris County, it’s a bit hypocritical for Hank Lyon to lecture anyone about the evils of big government and the need to lower taxes,” Russell said. “The freeholder should be careful not to throw stones in his glass house.”
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