Lumberton Democrats defend seats on Township Committee for the first time since gaining control in the 2019 election


Last nights election wins for Kendra Hatfield and Rob Rodriguez solidified a 5-0 Democratic majority in Lumberton Township under the leadership of Mayor Gina LaPlaca.  “Residents are happy with the initiatives and direction of our administration and with last nights results we will keep the ball rolling” stated LaPlaca. “We are excited to add Rob to our team and happy the voters recognize Kendra’s hard work” LaPlaca added.“I look forward to continuing to work hard for every Lumberton resident regardless of their political affiliation and I thank everyone for their support” stated Committeewoman Kendra Hatfield. Rob Rodriguez a coach for local youth sports is a first time candidate for office and is excited to serve the community he grew up in.

“I love Lumberton and I can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and make sure Lumberton remains the best community in Burlington County” added Rodriguez.

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One response to “Lumberton Democrats defend seats on Township Committee for the first time since gaining control in the 2019 election”

  1. It is a grand pleasure to live in our township with its diverse residents. The New York City’s U.N. delegates would feel quite at home during their frequent visits. Our diversity of representation hopefully will keep us openminded and tolerant to listen before we are tempted to shout and wedge theatrical showmanship instead of reasoned dialogue. It takes grit to empathize. Keep up the good work Mayor and our local Representatives.

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