Menendez Rails Against Trump’s Bracamontes Tweet

MOOANCHIE – President Donald J. Trump’s tweet today of a web video sent Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) on offense this evening at Union City Mayor Brian P. Stack’s civic association bash.

The web video features Luis Bracamontes, a Mexican man deported and later returned to the United States to face conviction for the slaying of two California deputies. “I’m going to kill more cops soon,” Bracamontes says in court in the Trump-shared video as captions flash across the screen reading “Democrats let him into our country. Democrats let him stay.””It’s about all of you,” Menendez said of his senate race.

“I saw today the most racist ad I have ever seen in the 44 years that I have been in public life – put out by the President of the United States,” the senator told the Latino crowd at Graycliff.

“And who is the focus of that ad?” he asked. “The Latino community. This is a direct attack on the Hispanic community of this country.”

Menendez’s opponent, Republican Bob Hugin, has tried to back track away from Trump, particularly as the campaign tightens in the home stretch down to Nov. 6th.

But Menendez was clear tonight that he is intent on making his base understand the stakes.
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