Menendez Torches Trump Over Gateway Tunnel Hinderance

SECAUCUS – Sandwiched between Governor Phil Murphy and U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) against the backdrop of the ailing century-old Portal North Bridge, Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise relished the role of revived brand name at the microphone this morning.
“Let’s hear it for the county executive,” said Murphy, braced by numerous establishment members of the Democratic Party on home county press conference turf as Menendez seeks reelection against Republican challenger Bob Hugin. Those in attendance included U.S. Rep. Albio Sires (D-8), U.S. Rep. Donald Payne, Jr. (D-10), and U.S. Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-9).
They were in a fighting mood a day after Labor Day.
“New Jersey is ready to get to work on America’s next great infrastructure project,” Murphy said. “We are ready to do Gateway together.” But – in the face of federal foot-dragging by the Trump Administration, New Jersey first needs to shore up the Portal North Bridge now, the Governor added. He noted a state funding plan, which includes the issuance of $600 million in municipal bonds.
It was all a buildup to the U.S. Senator.
And Menendez – contextualizing – doubled down.
“Throughout my time in public office, infrastructure has been one of my highest priorities. That’s because the question of whether or not we invest isn’t abstract. It translates into real benefits. It’s the question of whether you can get to work on time,” the senator said.
Menendez immediately slapped at Trump.
“A shutdown of the corridor, would cost a $100 million a day,” the senator said. “Reality is taking a back seat to the president’s political vendettas. Something is wrong with the administration when we see how we are being treated with Gateway.
“It should be clear that the Gateway Tunnel will be built, with or without his support,” Menendez added. “This is a fight the administration cannot win.”
“The President has put up roadblocks,” Pascrell added. “We are the minority, but we have not had a bill.”
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