Montclair Mayor Jackson Names Sergio Gonzalez to Board of Education

Montclair Mayor Robert Jackson announced today the appointment of Sergio Gonzalez to the Montclair Board of Education. Gonzalez will fill Laura Hertzog’s unexpired term.
The new BOE member is an executive with Dell Technologies. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Rutgers University and an MBA from Fordham University.
“I am thoroughly impressed by Mr. Gonzaelz’s intellect, his engaging personality, and his energy and commitment to Montclair and its public schools,” said Jackson.
Gonzalez and his family are relatively new to Montclair.
He is a first-generation Cuban American and his wife Maximilienne is a recently naturalized citizen from Montreal. They have a five-year-old daughter, Valentina, and three-year-old son, Mateo.
“I am so proud that this dynamic couple decided to settle in Montclair given their many options,” said  Jackson.
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