Murphy Taps Maples for Homeland Security Office

Governor-elect Phil Murphy today announced he will appoint Jared Maples as Director of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP). Maples has served as Acting Director since June 2017.
In the role, Maples will continue to serve as the governor’s designated Homeland Security Advisor and coordinator of the state’s counterterrorism, cybersecurity, and emergency preparedness efforts. The position of Director is a cabinet-level post.
“We need a seasoned homeland security official who puts the safety and security of our state and residents first and foremost, and who has the experience to ensure prompt action and coordination in the face of threats, wherever they come from,” said Murphy. “Given our importance to the nation’s economy, we cannot take anything for granted. I am proud Jared will continue to provide the steady guidance we need to ensure the security of all who call our state home.”
“I am thankful to Governor-elect Murphy in asking me to continue the important work of ensuring the security of New Jersey and the safety of everyone who lives, works, and visits the Garden State,” said Maples. “His goal of a stronger and fairer state must be underpinned by safety and vigilance in the face of myriad threats. It will be an honor to continue leading the fine men and women working to protect New Jersey.”
Maples first joined the Office as Director of the Division of Administration in January 2016, with responsibility for information technology and security, human resources, facilities management, and financial activities, including oversight of New Jersey’s federal homeland security grants.
An experienced executive and intelligence officer, Maples previously served for more than a decade in multiple leadership roles at the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. Department of Defense. With a career focused on both security operations and strategic management, he continues to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees for the federal Government Employee Voluntary Investment Fund, where he helps manage nearly $300 million in assets across various investment funds.
Maples, 36, holds an MBA from Georgetown University, a Bachelor’s degree from Villanova University, and an Associate’s degree from Valley Forge Military College.
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