NFIB Releases Small Business 2019 Assembly Endorsements

NJGOP: Bramnick, left, and DiMaio.

The state’s leading small business organization, NFIB, announced today that its state political action committee, the NFIB NJ PAC, had endorsed state Assembly candidates running in the upcoming 2019 General Election. The names of the endorsed Assembly candidates are listed below.

“After a careful review we have found that these candidates have a keen understanding of the problems facing family businesses and their employees,” said Laurie Ehlbeck, NFIB state director in New Jersey. “We wish them all success in the upcoming General Election, and we look forward to working with them if they are elected to the state Assembly.”

Ehlbeck said the endorsements were made by the NFIB NJ PAC based on surveys and interviews with the candidates on small business issues. In the case of incumbent lawmakers, small business voting records were used as a determining factor. The most recent NFIB Voting Record for New Jersey can be found here. 

“These candidates understand the challenges facing New Jersey’s small businesses,” said Ehlbeck. “Our members believe they will support better tax policies and improve the small business climate in the state. Both are key to ensure a healthier state economy.”

NFIB has thousands of small business members in New Jersey representing a cross-section of the state’s economy. Small business owners and their employees vote in high numbers and are known for actively recruiting friends, family members, and acquaintances to go to the polls. NFIB will encourage its members to help turn out the small business vote for the NFIB NJ PAC-endorsed candidates in the General Election.

2019 NFIB NJ PAC Assembly Endorsements

Ryan E. Peters, District 8

Jean Stanfield, District 8 *

Brian E.  Rumpf, District 9

DiAnne C. Gove, District 9

Gregory P. McGuckin, District 10

Matthew Woolley, District 11 *

Ronald S. Dancer, District 12

Robert D. Clifton, District 12

Serena DiMaso, District 13

Gerard Scharfenberger, District 13 *

Jon M. Bramnick, District 21

Nancy F. Munoz, District 21

Erik Peterson, District 23

John DiMaio, District 23

Parker Space, District 24

Harold J. Wirths, District 24

Anthony M. Bucco, District 25

BettyLou DeCroce, District 26

Jay Webber, District 26

Sean T. Kean, District 30

Edward H. Thomson, District 30

Holly T. Schepisi, District 39

Robert Auth, District 39

Kevin J. Rooney, District 40

Christopher P. DePhillips, District 40


*   Challengers


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