O’Donnell Wants a Cop in Every Bayonne School

Bayonne mayoral candidate Jason O’Donnell today vowed to put a police officer in every city school if elected on May 8th.

 “My wife, Kerry, is a teacher in the Bayonne school system and our children attended and currently attend Bayonne schools,” O’Donnell said. “Just like so many throughout the country, we watched in horror last week as more children’s lives were taken by a madman with a gun in one of our nation’s schools.  And, like so many parents in this country, our minds quickly turned to the tragedy of young lives ending too soon and the families left behind with only anguish and heartbreak.”

“Time and again we have seen gun violence in our nation’s schools take young lives and put families on the permanent path to despair,” he added. “Unfortunately, there continues to be no action taken by our ‘leaders’ in Washington.  The feelings of powerlessness and rage at the lack of meaningful action on the part of those tasked with protecting our children in our schools are real and they strike at every parent’s very core. Here in Bayonne, I’ve heard from countless teachers and families that they believe we need additional preventative measures to be taken to help ensure our children’s safety in our schools.  I absolutely agree.  It’s our responsibility as adults to protect our children.  We need to do everything in our power to provide for their safety.  It is that simple.”

O’Donnell is running against incumbent Mayor Jimmy Davis.

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