Oroho And Corrado Call For Select Oversight Committee To Investigate SDA

Senator Kristin Corrado (R-40) and Senator Steven Oroho (R-24) sent a letter to the Co-Chairs of the New Jersey Legislative Select Oversight Committee calling for an investigation into the employment practices of the Schools Development Authority, calling it the “logical next step for the Committee.”
lsoc-ltr-3-19-19(Visited 29 times, 1 visits today)
There is now, nor ever has been, a need for the SDA. No one ever accounted for the $6 billion “lost” under McGreevey. It was set up as a patronage pit and that’s what it has returned to being. The EDA or the EFA can easily do the job. Hearings and investigations will only delay things. The Legislature should have some guts for a change and get rid of it!