1199SEIU Applauds Gov. Murphy for Releasing Detailed Data on COVID-19 Cases in Nursing Homes


1199SEIU Applauds Gov. Murphy for Releasing Detailed Data on COVID-19 Cases in Nursing Homes


Statement of Milly Silva, Executive Vice President of 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East:


“Today’s public release of facility-specific data on COVID-19 in nursing homes is an important step towards bringing full transparency to patients, family members, and caregivers.  In light of continued obfuscation by some nursing home owners and delays in informing family members and workers about positive cases, the Murphy administration has taken strong, decisive action.


“As our union parses through this information, we will be flagging instances where nursing homes’ self-reported data does not conform with what our members are reporting on the ground.  We remain concerned about a significant under-counting of resident deaths, especially of those who passed away without being tested or who died after transfer to the hospital.”



1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East is the largest and fastest-growing healthcare union in New Jersey and nationwide. We represent over 16,000 healthcare families in New Jersey and over 450,000 total members throughout New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, Florida, and Washington, D.C.   Our mission is to achieve quality care and good jobs for all.


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