Bateman-Sponsored Clean Water Infrastructure Bill Signed into Law


Bateman-Sponsored Clean Water Infrastructure Bill Signed into Law

Appropriates Funds for Important Environmental Projects

The Governor signed Senator Kip Bateman’s bill appropriating federal and state funds to implement more than $1 billion in vital environmental infrastructure construction.

The bipartisan measure (S-2499) ensures clean water and environmental projects across the state will be green-lighted through the new fiscal year.

“We must ensure that construction protecting our drinking water and keep the taps flowing proceeds, and this will get that done without placing more of a burden on property taxpayers,” said Bateman (R-16). “Parts of the state are proceeding with costly renovations to bolster and update water treatment facilities and wastewater controls damaged by Storm Sandy. These are all essential projects that need to be completed.”

The measure, sponsored by Bateman and Democrat Senator Bob Smith, chairman of the Environmental and Energy Committee, appropriates money to the Department of Environmental Protection’s New Jersey Infrastructure Bank Financing Program where it will assist local government units, municipal, county and regional authorities, and small water companies with loans at or below the prevailing rates for qualifying clean water projects.

“In conjunction with another bill signed today (S-2498), this provides an affordable financial source for infrastructure upgrades benefiting New Jersey residents, neighborhoods and the environment,”  Bateman said.

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