Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey Statement on Drastic Internet Gaming Reauthorization Timeline Amendment
Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey Statement on
Drastic Internet Gaming Reauthorization Timeline Amendment
The following is a statement from Christina M. Renna, president & CEO, Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey:
“The Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) is extremely disappointed that the New Jersey General Assembly proposed a drastic amendment to A-2190 (Caputo/Chaparro), which would impact the reauthorization timeline for internet gaming. As originally written, this legislation would have extended online gaming for another ten-year period through 2033. However, without warning or explanation, an amendment was proposed that changed the reauthorization to a mere two-year period ending in 2025.
It is undeniable that online betting has been a boon for New Jersey, as well as the state’s casinos. In order for this level of success and revenue growth to continue the industry needs stability, which is an impossibility if the state has the ability to withdraw its operating authorization on a two-year basis. What company will want to make, or continue to make, long-term investments in sports betting if every two years the industry is at risk of losing its operating capability? The CCSNJ implores Assembly Speaker Coughlin and all members of the Legislature to reconsider today’s amendments and return A-2190 (Caputo/Chaparro/Greenwald) to its original form.”