Doherty Votes ‘NO’ on Amazon Tax Break Legislation
Says Broad-Based Tax Cuts Would Be Better Choice for New Jersey
Senator Mike Doherty (R-23) voted against legislation (A-5340/S-3631) that would give Amazon special tax incentives at the expense of other New Jersey businesses.
“New Jersey shouldn’t be in the business of picking winners and losers, nor should we give special tax breaks to a company that’s driving our mom and pop shops out of business,” said Doherty. “Everyone’s talking about hypothetical jobs that Amazon might create in New Jersey if we give them billions of dollars, but they’re not talking about the thousands of retailers on our Main Streets that will go out of business as a result of this sweetheart deal.”
Doherty said the best policy for New Jersey would be to implement broad-based tax cuts that would make New Jersey an attractive place to operate for businesses of all sizes.
“If we’d allow New Jersey to take it’s foot off the necks of our business community, we’d see a resurgence across multiple industries,” said Doherty. “Instead of watching more of our businesses move to lower tax states or shut down completely, we’d be a magnet for companies like Amazon without the need for any special deals.” |
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