EXCELLENT EDUCATION FOR EVERYONE “E3” Releases EBook of Online Tools to help Teachers and Parents

[April 30: Jersey City, NJ, 04/21/20]

Excellent Education for Everyone “E3”, a research and policy not-for-profit with the mission of improving K-12 education, increasing educational options and working to close gaps in educational achievement in New Jersey, has produced a free ebook of online tools that parents and teachers can use to help with virtual learning: http://bit.ly/37onlineresourcesebook.

E3 also is sponsoring a “Why I Love My School” t-shirt design competition aimed at highlighting New Jersey based, Private, Special Needs and Religious Schools. Designs from 5 different schools will be selected and printed on T-shirts and given to students. Applications for the contest are being accepted now, the deadline for submissions is May 15th: http://bit.ly/tshirtcontestnj

E3 helps empower and encourage New Jersey families to explore their school choice options, by providing information, resources and inspiration to parents. We also work to increase state and federal funding for private, religious and other forms of non-public education. More information about E3 can be found at: www.nje3.org

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