Fantasia: Hypocrites Aikens & Sarnoski Have Some Explaining to Do

Sussex County Commissioner Dawn Fantasia challenged her opponents, Josh Aikens and Jason Sarnoski, to own up to their gross hypocrisy on property taxes and their cowardly, two-faced betrayal of retiring Senator Steve Oroho.

“In the wake of their cheap shot attack against me, Josh Aikens and Jason Sarnoski have some explaining to do,” said Fantasia. “Both of them are giant hypocrites and they need to be called out for it.”

“First, Josh Aikens – who has a record of jacking up property taxes while cutting mental health services for children on his local school board – ‘fully endorsed’ Senator Oroho just six weeks ago, has repeatedly praised him, and both he and Sarnoski were begging to run on a ticket with the Senator. Now, all of a sudden, they are attacking his signature tax reform law? Voters see right thought this kind of duplicity and betrayal. Both Josh and Jason should be embarrassed.” [See proof below]

Speaking of embarrassment, Fantasia also pointed out that Sarnoski’s own conservative colleagues on the Warren County Board of Commissioners praised Senator Oroho and fully credited Oroho’s tax reform law for allowing the them to hold the line on county property taxes due to increased Transportation Trust Fund monies.

“Jason Sarnoski talked himself into quite the pickle on this one,” added Fantasia. “He can either admit his mistake and agree with his former colleague, Ed Smith, a rock solid conservative voice in Warren County for years, OR Sarnoski can disagree with him and concede that he supported raising Warren county property taxes by $500. Which is it, Jason? Your choice.” [See proof below]

Fantasia added that as a Franklin Borough Councilwoman at the time, she never voted on the tax reform law that increased the gas tax, but said she did stand by Senator Oroho and was backed up by outlets like the Jersey Conservative blog, which opined in 2016 that: “In voting against the gas tax hike, Republican incumbents will be voting against a half dozen tax cuts — hurting them with important natural GOP voting groups like seniors, veterans, and small business owners.”

“Josh Aikens and Jason Sarnoski are typical politicians who talk themselves in circles and leave voters dizzy with confusion,” said Fantasia. “I’m a true conservative with the courage of my convictions and someone who stands by my friends like Senator Oroho, instead of hugging him when it’s good for you and turning on him later.”

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