Hoboken 1st Ward Candidate Paul Presinzano releases Rat plan to combat the Public Health Crisis. 

1st Ward Candidate Paul Presinzano releases Rat plan to combat the Public Health Crisis.


Hoboken, New Jersey, July 26, 2023, Paul Presinzano, the Hoboken 1st Ward City Council Candidate, releases his plan to fix the Rat Crisis in Hoboken. It consists of 5 parts and focuses on the community working together to ensure its success. He has also launched a petition campaign to demand the City take quicker action and released a Rat Reporting Tool, all of which can be found on his website, www.presinzano4hoboken.com.


Since Covid, the rat problem has exploded, causing a public health crisis. Many point to different reasons, but Paul is not wasting his time guessing but putting forth a plan to fix and stop the growing problem. He believes no one should worry about what street to walk on to avoid rats and wants to make it safe for families and children.


“We have been working together on our block to fix the problem, and it’s working. The problem is not solved house by house but block by block,” said Paul Presinzano. “I have taken the time to listen to ideas from professionals and done my research to understand rats and then build an attack plan to rid the City of rats. ”


You can access his detailed plan on the website: www.presinzano4hoboken.com/pauls-rat-plan

You can help by signing the petition here:  www.presinzano4hoboken.com/demand-action-on-rats

You can report rat sightings here:           www.presinzano4hoboken.com/rat-report


“We need the City to focus more on the Rat Emergency. Every hour without a detailed concrete plan, the problem will only get worse; putting band-aids on the problem doesn’t fix it. Let’s work together to make Hoboken better,” added Presinzano.


For more information about the scholarship, volunteering, or donating, please visit www.presinzano4hoboken.com or via email: p4h@presinzano4hoboken.com

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