Hughes: Weights & Measures is on your side

Hughes: Weights & Measures is on your side

Weights & Measures inspection

As gas prices steadily rise as a result of a number of global economic forces, Mercer County Executive Brian M. Hughes reminds motorists that a function of the Office of Weights & Measures is to ensure that gas stations are playing by the rules.

“Mercer County works to ensure that consumers are getting what they pay for,” Mr. Hughes said. “Service station owners are only allowed to change the price once in a 24-hour period, and that is something we are keeping an eye on.”

Tips when buying gasoline:

Check serialized decals. Decals on the pump indicate the device has been tested by the Office of Weights & Measures.

Decoy pricing. Make sure prices shown on the pump and street signs match.

Watch the pump. Make sure the pump is set at zero at the start of your transaction.

Cash versus credit. Check to see whether the gas station charges more per gallon for credit card purchases than for cash transactions. If the station chooses to do this, state law requires that it clearly mark the prices for cash and for credit purchases on its signs.

If you think you did not get the proper amount of fuel at your purchase, call Mercer County Weights & Measures at 609-989-6671.

How to save on gas:

Track gas prices. Phone Apps, like AAA TripTik, can help track the lowest price per gallon by location.

Pay with cash. Some stations offer a lower cash price.

Drive strategically. Carpool, use ride-sharing Apps, telecommute if that option is available, schedule your errands in a single trip, avoid rush hour stop-and-go traffic.

Sign up for loyalty programs. Gas stations chains usually offer incentives to offset the price at the pump.

Observe the speed limit: Driving over the speed limit consumes more fuel.

Tune-up: Keeping your car in shape and keeping tires inflated to the proper pressure can improve gas mileage.

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