

DEMOCRATIC COMMISSIONER IN ALMOST 50 YEARSPromises To Focus on Listening VersusOpponent’s Appeal to “Extremist Clout”


(MORRIS COUNTY, NJ) – Jonathan Sackett, an experienced councilman, father of four, and small business owner, is running to provide a balance to the one-party Morris County Commissioners.


As a lifelong Morris County resident, Sackett is committed to being a commissioner who listens. His background in economics, finance, and accounting and his experience as a local business owner provide both the understanding and real-life experience to tackle fiscal and quality-of-life issues.


“As commissioner, I will take seriously my role to serve constituents and the issues you care about like the affordable housing shortage, improving public transportation, small businesses and economic development, driving down costs for municipalities, and preserving our parks and open spaces,” he says.

Sackett is serving his second term on the Rockaway Township Council, where he was voted the Council President and Vice President. He grew up attending Rockaway’s local public schools where his children now attend. He is the owner of Family Martial Arts Center and an active volunteer coach for almost every extracurricular sport you can think of! Sackett has served on the education committee at Adath Shalom synagogue in Parsippany and as chair of the Rockaway Democratic Committee. He is a graduate of Rutgers University with a degree in economics and accounting.

Sackett notes that in the GOP primary, his opponent Tayfun Selen participated in a “race to the right” to see who could leverage the most extremist clout.

“A commissioner’s job is not about taking a stance on manufactured culture war issues as a tool to pave one’s greater political aspirations,” he says. “The job of a county commissioner is to fully fund public services, support a safe and thriving infrastructure, and manage a fiscally responsible, transparent budget.”


Selen boasts about “voting to condemn” women’s reproductive rights and common sense health education in schools.

“This is performative and polarizing,” Sackett says. “A commissioner’s job is to support services for all, despite their political beliefs. That includes supporting our schools, teachers, students, and the diverse community in Morris County.”

Sackett says his job will be to ensure a fair, balanced budget that protects taxpayers’ money and make sure they have fully funded services without unnecessary tax hikes.

“Most of all, my job will be to listen,” he says. “I’m not running to grandstand – I’m running to serve.”


Sackett’s priorities include:


  • Small Business and Economic Development Through Partnerships and Incentives

  • Drive Down Costs for Municipalities Through Shared Service Coordination

  • Continued Investment in Preserving our Parks and Open Spaces

  • Increased Communication with Constituents on Available Services

  • Address Affordable Housing Shortage Through Municipality Assistance and Establish a Homeless Trust Fund (This trust is NOT funded by County taxes)

  • Fully-Funded Public Safety and Health Services

  • Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency

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