Lead-Free NJ Statement on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address

Lead-Free NJ Statement on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address


Trenton, March 8, 2022 — Lead-Free NJ (LFNJ) Co-chairs Rashan Prailow and Debbie Mans released the following statements on Governor Murphy’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Address:


“We are encouraged by Governor Murphy’s commitment to remove lead service lines across the state—once and for all—in an effort to promote the health of our children and families,” said LFNJ Co-chair Rashan Prailow. “The governor and state legislature must now take the next step to honor that commitment by making a definitive—and substantive—infrastructure investment that will protect all New Jerseyans.”


“While we appreciate the governor’s centering of the importance of affordability in New Jersey, it is not enough to ensure that we have affordable housing—we must also ensure it is safe to live in,” said LFNJ Co-chair Debbie Mans. “And that means investing in eliminating sources of lead in paint and drinking water pipes that can harm our families.”

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