Nancy Sungenis Becomes First Woman Chairperson for the Cumberland County Democratic Party

Bridgeton, June 23, 2021 – She finally said, “Yes!” After decades of service to the Cumberland County Democratic Party, Nancy Sungenis, Hopewell, was nominated and unanimously elected to be the Cumberland County Democratic Chairwoman at the June 23, 2021 committee meeting.

“To be a successful party it takes unity and teamwork. I am proud of our accomplishments as a party and in our government representation in this County.” Sungenis said. Sungenis also spoke about the National Democratic agenda and how it relates to the citizen who live in Cumberland County.

Elected to the position of Vice Chair was Rick Dawson of Bridgeton. Dawson contributed to the organizational development of the County Party as a Committeeman and Steering Committee Chairman. “I want to be clear; I work for Nancy Sungenis, I will work with her to move us forward with solidarity and success.” Dawson said.

County Clerk Celeste Riley performed the swearing in ceremony. Also in attendance were County Commissioners Pearson and Quinn, with Director Derella, and Deputy Director Barber along with Municipal Chairs and county committee members. “It’s always a great day when you make history.” said Director Derella.

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