NEW AD: Congressman Jeff Van Drew Rejected Lower Health Care Costs for New Jerseyans by Voting Against Build Back Better Act


For Immediate Release

December 15, 2021


NEW AD: Congressman Jeff Van Drew Rejected Lower Health Care Costs for New Jerseyans by Voting Against Build Back Better Act



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Washington, DC – Today, Protect Our Care launched new digital ads in eight key districts, including New Jersey’s second Congressional District calling out Republican lawmakers like Congressman Jeff Van Drew for their votes against the Build Back Better Act.


While American families are struggling with high costs, Republicans voted against reforms that will level the playing field for working families by lowering health insurance premiums and giving Medicare the power to negotiate for lower drug prices.


The ads will run in the following districts: Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ-02), Ted Budd (R-NC-13), Steve Chabot (R-OH-01), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA-01), Carlos Gimenez (R-FL-26), Scott Perry (R-PA-10), María Elvira Salazar (R-FL-27), and David Schweikert (R-AZ-06).


“If Republicans like Jeff Van Drew had their way, drug prices would continue to skyrocket and millions of people would pay higher health insurance premiums, right when families need relief most,” said Protect Our Care Executive Director Brad Woodhouse. “Thankfully, President Biden and Democrats are in charge, and they are committed to delivering lower costs for families struggling to make ends meet. It has never been more clear that Republicans are out of touch with the worries that keep families up at night, and they are willing to put their political goals above the well-being of the people they represent. We will do everything in our power to ensure Americans remember who stood by Big Pharma and special interests and who stood up for working families.”


Ad Script:


Everyone’s feeling it.


Costs keep going up and up.


Health insurance and drug companies make record profits.


But, millions of Americans can’t keep up.


And Congressman Jeff Van Drew just voted AGAINST the Build Back Better Act which lowers health care costs for millions of families.


Against the plan that gives Medicare the power to negotiate lower drug prices.


And against the plan that lowers health premiums by thousands of dollars.


With everything people are dealing with right now, Congressman Van Drew voted for higher health care costs for you.




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