NJDSC Welcomes Hirsh Singh to 2021 Governor’s Race
NJDSC Welcomes Hirsh Singh to 2021 Governor’s Race
Perennial Losing Candidate, COVID-19 Conspiracy Theorist is a Perfect Fit for New Jersey GOP
TRENTON, NJ — Fresh off losing his fourth campaign for federal office earlier this year, Hirsh Singh is back and apparently joining the growing field in next year’s Republican primary election for Governor. The New Jersey Democratic State Committee would like to welcome Mr. Singh to what is expected to be a long, bloody race for the right to take on Governor Phil Murphy. As a proven conspiracy theorist, Trump cheerleader and COVID-19 denier, Hirsh Singh is truly a perfect candidate for the modern New Jersey Republican Party.
“Ever since the pandemic started earlier this year, New Jersey Republican officials have consistently and relentlessly chosen the wrong path by pushing conspiracy theories and harmful policies that would have made the situation immeasurably worse,” said NJDSC Executive Director Saily Avelenda. “Hirsh Singh fits in perfectly with the rest of the Trenton Republicans who will be vying for the Republican nomination for Governor — he called for the state to stop public health precautions all the way back in April, demanded that doctors prescribe unproven and potentially dangerous treatments promoted by President Trump, and right now is baselessly denying the clear results of the Presidential election. That sounds like an ideal fit for a Republican Party that has proven itself totally incapable of leading our state.”