Polistina, Guardian & Swift Propose New Legislation to Combat Juvenile Crime Issues

Polistina, Guardian & Swift Propose New Legislation to Combat Juvenile Crime Issues

Senator Vince Polistina, along with Assemblyman Don Guardian and Assemblywoman Claire Swift (all R-2), announced today new legislation that will aid law enforcement in addressing juvenile crime issues within the State of New Jersey.

District 2 lawmakers announced new legislation today that will aid law enforcement in addressing juvenile crime issues within New Jersey. (Flickr)

“Following the decriminalization of marijuana and the changes to the juvenile justice laws, many law enforcement officers are being left with unclear direction as to what, if anything, they can do to combat some of the offenses and issues being caused by some juveniles primarily in our shore communities,” Senator Polistina said. “This new law will give some power back to the police, and hopefully help to quell any issues before they arise.”

The proposed law would allow for law enforcement officers to identify and verify age for persons in possession, and or use, of marijuana or alcohol. The proposed legislation does not require an arrest or citation for underage use but allows for confiscation and notification to a parent or guardian for any individual under 18 years of age.

“While we know that no police department has the manpower to patrol simply for these issues, this proposal can be utilized as a tool by the police departments to address any concerns or complaints of large gatherings of juveniles before a problem is created,” Assemblyman Guardian added.

“Kids today need to be reminded that we are a Country and a State that believes in law and order,” explained Assemblywoman Swift. “No one wants to see a criminal charge affect the future of a young child, however we do have laws and rules as a society, and we must live within those boundaries.”

Senator Polistina also stated that both the Assembly and Senate versions of the bill will be posted and hopefully move through both houses without issue.

“This isn’t a partisan issue, it’s one that touches every one of us in our communities one way or another,” Polistina noted. “Hopefully, these bills will garner support from both Republicans and Democrats and help avoid situations like we’ve recently seen in Wildwood and elsewhere.”

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