Rally today in Montclair over unpaid salaries 2:30-5pm
Protest For Pay
When: TODAY-Tuesday, October 15th 2:30 to 5:00 pm
Where: Montclair Board of Education
22 Valley Road
Montclair, NJ 07043
The Montclair Education Association and the Montclair Board of Education reached a settlement during negotiation and the contract was duly ratified by both parties. However, the promise of the increase in pay has not been honored by the board and thousands of Montclair Education Association members have been impacted.
As a part of negotiations process, the MEA members received their 2017-18 salaries as is custom when districts and unions are working with an expired contract to reach a settlement. However, the board has not paid the MEA’s 1000 plus members their 2019-2020 salaries despite an agreed upon contract and to further add insult to injury the members are being charged the 2019-20 rate for health benefit contributions, making their take home pay a complete net loss.
And, if that wasn’t enough, today is the 15th of the month, and the members of the MEA should have received their direct deposit salaries this morning, and they did not, resulting in financial catastrophe as overdraft charges, taxes, and credit, among many other things, are impacted by the failure to make the payroll.
“We’re having a rally to bring recognition to the fact that our contractual agreement is not being honored and it is causing financial distress amongst an already strained membership,” said Petal Robertson, President of Montclair Education Association.