Rich Pezzullo Comments on International Holocaust Recognition
Rich Pezzullo Comments on International Holocaust Recognition
Republican US Senate Candidate Rich Pezzullo, in an emotional address to supporters in Manalapan, urged them to spend time today remembering the victims of the Holocaust. “Hitler was a man of pure, concentrated evil. His evil and insanity led him to attempt the annihilation of entire peoples. So many innocent people were killed. 6 million Jews, along with millions of other racial, political, and sexual minorities were killed because of who they were.”
“But he couldn’t break them. He could kill them, treat them like dirt, send them to work camps – but he could never break them,” Pezzullo continued. “The Jewish people survived.”
“May we never forget those that died in the Holocaust. In their honor, let us strive to build a world with no more fear, no more hatred, and no more killing. We owe it to their memory to be at this labor every day – not only for them but for our children, and for every generation to come.”
Contact: James Pezzullo – 732-252-4322 or
About Rich Pezzullo: A Cornell graduate, former Army officer and US Senate candidate, Freehold businessman Rich Pezzullo has been advocating on behalf of New Jersey taxpayers for over twenty years.