We the People coalition calls on Governor Murphy to veto the Elections Transparency Act
“We are deeply disappointed that A4372/S2866, the so-called Elections Transparency Act has passed the State legislature despite persistent bipartisan opposition to the damaging provisions in this bill that supercharge money in politics and dangerously undermine the independence of our elections watchdog. ELEC’s ability to enforce the law is also permanently undermined by this legislation, and the bill kills 80% of current investigations into campaign misconduct.’
Though Gov. Murphy has signaled that he will sign this bill, we urge him to do the right thing and conditionally veto A4372/S2866. If we want a truly representative democracy in NJ with fairer elections, we need a comprehensive campaign finance and ethics overhaul – not this bill, which will instead subvert the will of the majority and ensure that the biggest donors and businesses with vested interests have an outsized say in our government.”
We the People is made up of labor, advocacy and grassroots groups that support an inclusive democracy. www.wethepeoplenj.org