What They’re Saying: Mikie Commands The Stage in the First NJ Gov Debate

What They’re Saying: Mikie Commands The Stage in the First NJ Gov Debate
BLOOMFIELD — On Sunday’s Democratic gubernatorial debate, voters saw a real contrast between Mikie’s leadership — grounded in her Navy service — and the rest of the debate stage. Mikie is focused on the issues that keep people up at night and shared a vision to make New Jersey more affordable, expand economic opportunity, and protect our rights and freedoms from Trump’s Washington.
Take a look at what they’re saying:
“One thing was very clear on last night’s debate stage: Mikie Sherrill will be the next governor of the great state of New Jersey. Mikie is guided by a commitment to public service in general and advocacy for working families in particular — it’s why she has a 100% lifetime rating from the AFL-CIO. It is a trait that was first impressed upon her by her grandfather, a World War II Veteran and proud member of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union and refined through her near decade-long commitment to our country in the Navy. LIUNA has worked with Mikie for years, as she fought like hell to bring back the funding needed to build the Gateway Tunnel. As governor, she’s going to build workforce housing, invest in apprenticeships and job training for workers, protect wages and fair work rules, and the right to form a union. Mikie’s experience and character are beyond reproach, and LiUNA is ridin’ with Mikie!” — LiUNA Vice President and Eastern Regional Manager Mike Hellstrom
“Since joining the United States Navy at 18, Mikie Sherrill has shown her unwavering commitment to serving our country. Tonight, she showed New Jersey that she has the experience and leadership to deliver results and protect rights and freedoms in the Garden State. Make no mistake: Republicans will once again attack abortion rights if they win back the governorship, and it’s even more dangerous with Trump in the White House. We need a strong Democratic governor to protect reproductive rights in New Jersey — that’s Mikie Sherrill.” – EMILYs List President Jessica Mackler
“The first time I met Mikie, she had her youngest daughter in tow because she couldn’t find child care that day. I’ve seen that Mikie is a leader who gets the challenges working families face — she will work to make sure ALL of our children have access to a quality education and the opportunity to get ahead. And she’ll do it with compassion and integrity because she’s a fighter for the people. I’m proud to be her strongest supporter!” — Bishop Jethro James, President of the Newark/North Jersey Committee on Black Churchmen
“Mikie Sherrill is the best candidate for a job I know very well — and she has what it takes to be ready to lead on Day One. She’s a true servant leader who listens to the people and then takes action. Mikie understands the issues impacting our state and will be laser-focused on the issues that keep families up at night. She fights hard for what she thinks is right, no matter the personal or political risk. Tonight, the choice was abundantly clear: If Democrats want to win in the fall, then we better elect Mikie Sherrill as our nominee.” — Former Governor Dick Codey
“Here in Paterson, we were so excited that the first stop of Mikie Sherrill’s campaign for governor was at our very own Eva’s Village. I’m supporting Mikie because she’ll think outside of the box to build more housing and lower costs, and she’ll work with local leaders across the state, Democrat or Republican, to make government work better for all of our communities. Mikie knows that New Jersey’s rich diversity is our strength, and she’ll defend our rights and freedoms no matter what.” — Paterson Mayer Andre Sayegh
“I am supporting Mikie for governor because she represents change and hope in our politics — and we saw that in tonight’s debate. As a former helicopter pilot and military veteran, she knows how to get things done. She has the courage and the commitment to walk the walk and deliver on her promises. As a mom of four, she understands the challenges being faced by our hard-working families like high taxes, rising grocery bills, expensive childcare, and lack of affordable housing. She understands that New Jersey needs a stronger economy to lift all families — to fully funded schools and create safer communities where our children can thrive. New Jersey needs new leadership that is ready to invest in our future, not hold us back by the same political grudges and personality politics of the past.” — Patricia Campos-Medina
“We need a governor who is going to fight for us — and that’s Mikie Sherrill. Since the first time she ran, Mikie has built grassroots coalitions, listened to voters, and delivered on the things that matter most to New Jersey families. She’s brought home federal funding to build the Gateway Tunnel, is committed to protecting our environment while preserving our open spaces, and, as governor, will protect abortion rights here in New Jersey.” — Former SOMA Action President Jessica James
“We need a leader in Trenton who will fight for us — that’s Mikie Sherrill. Whether it’s working to support mom-and-pop grocery stores in order to lower grocery prices and eliminate food deserts, or protecting New Jersey’s open spaces, Mikie’s focused on making life easier for Garden State families. She’s not a typical politician and understands the needs of regular families — and that different perspective is exactly what we need to make our state government work for all New Jerseyans.” — Mercer County Executive Dan Benson
“Mikie Sherrill fully understands the importance of New Jersey’s first responders and has never wavered in her support for us. Mikie is a friend to public safety unions and is committed to making sure our firefighters, police officers, EMS personnel, and dispatchers can afford to live and retire in the communities they serve. It took us years to get our pension system back on track after Governor Chris Christie and others before him raided it time and time again, putting the retirements our first responders earned at risk. We can’t go backwards. If you care about public safety, and if you care about our public servants, Mikie’s the one to trust.” — New Jersey Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association (FMBA) Eddie Donnelly