The WorkGroup Endorses Maury, Dungey & Pelaez for Hackensack BOE

Fellow Hackensack Voters,

Today, we write to you to announce our endorsement of the Champions for Students slate for the Hackensack Board of Education – Jennifer Maury, David W. Dungey, Monica Pelaez.

These candidates have demonstrated their commitment to three very simple values:

Diversity and Equity – Champions for Students not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. During their latest virtual Town Hall, they fielded and answered questions in both English and Spanish. They emphasized their commitment to implementing the state’s new LGBTQ+ history curriculum, and demonstrated a deep understanding of the challenges many working parents face during this period of distance learning. Hackensack is a diverse community, and they are the types of leaders we need to represent us all.

Honesty and Integrity – Jennifer, David, and Monica are reaching out and asking everyday community members to invest in their campaign. The other candidates are running under the same name as the sitting School Board members who gave taxpayer dollars to campaign contributors and their personal friends through vendor contracts, often at the direction of City Hall. This pay-to-play style of politics destroys confidence in our schools and prevents the change we deserve for our students.

Accessibility – Through interactive bilingual town halls, Jennifer, David, and Monica have demonstrated an eagerness to engage with the public, even during this period of social distancing. They want to hear from the community, and they aren’t just putting out statements, they’re willing to answer our questions. In both town halls so far, they answered every question posed. This is the type of accessibility that develops into accountability once they are elected, which is what our community deserves.

We encourage you to support the Champions for Students slate in this upcoming Board of Education election. For those who are able, please consider a contribution to their people-powered campaign at

Election Day is May 12th. All registered voters will receive a mail-in ballot with pre-paid return postage. There is no in-person voting. We urge you to complete your ballot for Jennifer Maury, David W. Dungey, and Monica Pelaez, positions 1-2-3, and mail it back by May 9th.

We wish you and your family safety and good health during this challenging time.

The WorkGroup

The WorkGroup was formed several years ago to keep our community informed of pertinent information that impacts us all as taxpayers and residents. Our constant presence at BOE meetings, and push for diversity and inclusiveness, led to parents and a local pastor on the district’s current Affirmative Action Team.

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