The Punctilious Adam Brewer of Rockaway, er, Pequannock

Rockaway Township Administrator Adam Brewer was a bit late for Tuesday’s council meeting.
That seemed a bit odd to Councilman Tucker Kelley, who noted that Brewer always had been punctual.
Turns out Brewer was late because he was getting another job. He was hired that same night to be the new Township Manager in Pequannock.
People in government – and elsewhere – certainly change jobs all the time.
But in the chaotic political world that is Rockaway Township government these days, Brewer’s departure soon was shrouded in a bit of mystery.
Jeremy Jedynak, the council president, fired off an email Wednesday headlined, “Has the Rockaway Township Business Administrator quit?
One may think that type of news would have made it to the council president.
At any rate, Jedynak’s missive attributed the report to a social media post by the daughter of Councilman John Quinn, which seems a fascinating way to disseminate municipal news.
By Thursday morning, the mystery was solved when Brewer’s departure became officially known.
As one may surmise, there often seems to be open warfare between the council majority led by Jedynak and Mayor Michael Dachisen. Both are Republicans, but that seems immaterial in this case.
Among other things, the two factions have clashed over health insurance for council members, the municipal budget, transparency, or lack thereof, and even how meetings are conducted.
Kelley said he didn’t know Brewer well, but that he was always courteous. Brewer was formally hired by Pequannock on Tuesday and is scheduled to start his job on June 1. He likely will leave Rockaway prior to that.
After Brewer departs, Kelley said township administrative duties likely will be handled by Patricia Seger, the assistant administrator, who is now on vacation.
As for Brewer, he said simply, “Life is full of choices, and I made the choice to resign.”
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