Quiz Show Wiz Reni Erdos Nails InsiderNJ Pictorial Quiz

Quiz show whiz Reni Erdos in 1968 won a house on the television show Dream House, and all we’ve got for her this time is a lousy InsiderNj T-shirt.
Having attended every Democratic National Convention since 1976, Reni Erdos was well positioned to win our weekend InsiderNJ quiz, which she did, following up on her Dream House win from nearly 50 years ago.
A former high school biology teacher and dedicated politico, Erdos this weekend successfully identified (from left) Senator Harrison Williams, Congressman Pete Rodino, Congressman James J. Howard, Governor Brendan Byrne, Senator Edward Kenendy, and Democratic State Party Chairman Jim Dugan.
Erdos served on the DNC Platform Committee and Rules Committee and was a delegate in 1984, 1988 and 2012.
Please join me in congratulating Reni Erdos!
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