ELEC: Remington Vernick Led Public Contractors Making Political Contributions in 2016
For the third consecutive year, political contributions made by public contractors declined in 2016 to $8.1 million, the second lowest total since pay-to-play contribution restrictions began, according to an Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) analysis of annual disclosure reports.
Jeff Brindle, ELEC’s Executive Director, said the falloff in part may reflect “the lack of gubernatorial or legislation elections in 2016. But a longer-term decline suggests the complexity of the law also is not only discouraging contractors from contributing directly to candidates and parties, but also encouraging them to circumvent the law by giving to independent groups,” he said.
“While there definitely was less incentive to give last year, a clear trend is emerging. Contributions from
contractors are less than half their peak in 2007,” Brindle said.
The top ten contractors ranked by their contributions gave a combined $2.4 million in 2016, representing 29 percent of all contributions.
Remington & Vernick Engineers, Inc.: $430,920
CME Associates: $374,750
Alaimo Group: $360,250
T&M Associates: $341,425
Pennoni Associates Inc: $263,850
Archer & Greiner PC: $137,200
Capehart Scatchard PA: $129,950
Fairview Insurance Agency Associates Inc.: $121,300*
French & Parrello Associates PA: $116,125
Waters McPherson McNeill PC: $114,355
The Top Ten Recipients of Contractor Contributions
Frank DiMarco & Daniel Christy for Freeholder (Gloucester County): $198,100
Charles Kenny for Freeholder (Middlesex County): $ 119,475
Edward McDonnell for Freeholder (Camden County): $ 112,050
Blue PAC: $111,400
Mildred Scott for Sheriff (Middlesex County): $110,375
Kenneth Armwood for Freeholder (Middlesex County): $109,625
Blanquita Valenti for Freeholder (Middlesex County): $80,525
GOPAC: $77,300
Constructors For Good Government PAC: $75,676
Forward NJ PAC: $75,000
While contractor contributions overall were down, a group promoting a 2016 ballot question received some checks. Forward NJ, a labor-business coalition that helped win voter approval of a ballot question tied to a new state transportation improvement program, received $75,000. Contributions also went to committees aligned with one 2017 gubernatorial candidate and two other elected officials who opted not to run for governor this year.
Contractors reported sending $24,550 to the Democratic gubernatorial campaign of Phil Murphy, former
Ambassador and Goldman Sachs partner.
Two federal Super PACs set up by supporters of two Democrats who decided not to run also received contributions. New Jerseyans for a Better Tomorrow, a federal Super PAC formed by supporters of Senate President Stephen Sweeney, collected $63,600 from contractors, according to the ELEC report.
See the full ELEC report by clicking the link below:
*Editor’s Note: Fairview Founder and CEO John Graham is publisher of this website.
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