Roque Hopes Elvis Helps Restore Graceland to West New York

Running in West New York, former Mayor Felix Roque today unveiled his latest candidate for Commissioner: Elvis Alvarez.
“My mission and priority as the upcoming Commissioner/ Mayor is to work ‘hand in hand’ with The West New York finest, our brave women and men in blue, the West New York Police Department,” said Roque. “With the guidance and expertise of the former and present police officers, Tommy Mannion and Alvarez (upcoming Commissioners), we will provide a safe environment at our schools so that our youth can thrive in their education with a safe academic setting.
“Our seniors will be able to live without the apprehension and fear of going out for an evening walk and getting mugged and raped. Our businesses will thrive with the reduction of the perpetual Shop lifting and crime. We as future elected officials have a duty to “protect and serve” the residents of West New York.”
It all started in 1963 when Elvis Alvarez’s family was exiled from Cuba as political refugees. His family traveled to West New York where they still reside today. Born and raised in West New York, Alvarez attended P.S. #1 school and Memorial High School. He is a college graduate from William Paterson University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology/Criminal Justice.
He decided to pursue a career as a West New York Police Officer serving and protecting his community for nearly 25 years. In 2018, he obtained the position of Juvenile Detective. The candidate has a long history of working with the youth of West New York. Giving back to his community is something he has always been passionate about. He has always been an active and dedicated member of his community. As a former coach for basketball, football, and baseball he sponsored teams in the West New York Babe Ruth League. He was part of cofounding the WNY girls’ softball league. With dedication and hard work Elvis is a successful and experienced business owner in town for over 15 years. He demonstrates a strong work ethic, strong leadership skills and outstanding integrity.
I congratulate him! He knows what he’s doing because Elvis Alvarez is the right person for the town of West New York. He is someone that works hard and I’m sure he’s going to do the best for the town. He loves West New York and I’m sure he’s going to make West New York great again! (Congratulations Roque!!)