Somerset County Federation of Republican Women Swear in New Slate of Officers for 2022

The Somerset County Federation of Republican Women swore in a new slate of officers on March 19, 2022, at its premiere annual Legislative Breakfast. Cathy Callahan is the new President. The remaining officers are Janet Linnus, First Vice President, Aparna Virmani, Second Vice President, Christine Henderson Rose, Treasurer, Francine A. Gargano, Esq., Corresponding Secretary and Joyce Melitsky, Recording Secretary.

There was an exciting lineup of speakers slated for the morning. A Legislative Panel consisting of Assemblyman Erik Peterson, Assemblyman Brian Bergen, Assemblyman John DiMaio, Assemblywoman Michelle Matsikoudis and Assemblywoman Nancy Foster Munoz provided updates on what is happening in our state government and was followed by a question and answer session.

From left to right: Assemblyman Erik Peterson, Assemblyman Brian Bergen, Assemblyman John DiMaio, Assemblywoman Michele Matsikoudis and Assemblywoman Nancy Foster Munoz.


Somerset County Republican Organization Chairman, Tim Howes, was present rallying the troops for the upcoming elections and motivating everyone to get out there and work.

Somerset County Republican Organization Chairman, Tim Howes

The morning concluded with an intriguing political round-up by Max Pizarro, Editor-in-Chief of Insider New Jersey.

Max Pizarro, Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder of Insider New Jersey


The Somerset County Federation of Republican Women is the premier Republican women’s organization in Somerset County. Since 1981, Federation members have worked to increase the participation of women in government and politics. The Federation supports its members, both male and female, through education, volunteerism and donations.

For more information, please visit or  Facebook at

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