Speziale Returns Fire

PATERSON, NJ — Passaic County Sheriff Candidate Jerry Speziale is issuing the following statement:

“Speaking as a proud Democrat who was elected Sheriff three times running countywide as the Democratic Party’s candidate, I have made the difficult decision not to seek the county line in the June 4 Democratic Primary while I run to once again serve the people of Passaic County as their Sheriff.

“There are many reasons for my decision. First, I believe that the voters should pick the next Sheriff, not a handful of political insiders on a so-called screening committee. Let the people decide!

“That’s why I am joining the growing number of Democrats throughout the state who believe that this entire county line preferred ballot system is unfair and should be discarded. All the current system does is take power away from the people and give it to party bosses and machine politicians. New Jersey is the only state that still uses this archaic system and it should be abolished. I will not participate in a screening process that is based on a rigged, unfair system.

“Second, I also want all of my fellow Passaic County Democrats to know that it is clear that the county party’s intention is to allow an unelected party boss with no law enforcement experience to run the Sheriff’s Office. During one of several conversations we had about the campaign, Chairman John Currie told me he was imposing a ‘new structure’ where he would name the Undersheriffs and make all personnel and financial decisions within the department. Of course, I refused to even entertain this — any candidate who would agree to accept that kind of political interference would be unfit to serve as Sheriff.

“I have dedicated my life to fighting crime and protecting the equal rights of all people. I would never let myself be part of a corrupt system that empowers an unelected political boss to rule over a law enforcement agency. That’s not how it worked when I served three terms as Sheriff, and it will never happen if I am elected Sheriff again.

“It has been my honor to be an active member and strong supporter of the Passaic County Democratic Organization for decades. I personally campaigned for dozens of local, county, state and federal Democrats in office today and have raised funds and supported the party. My campaign has the unanimous support of the Passaic County Central Labor Council, the Passaic County Building Trades and many other unions that represent working men and women. They know that I will always be a proud, loyal Democrat who lives up to the values our party is based on.

“Together, we are going to win this election to keep the Sheriff’s Office independent of political interference and protect the people of Passaic County.”


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9 responses to “Speziale Returns Fire”

  1. Speziale is the most dishonest corrupt individual, Do the residents of passaic county remember when he left them high and dry to go take a more lucrative position (all while being paid his pension-how is he not under investigation?) he just likes being in front of the camera like the useless paterson mayor. Explains the poor conditions of the paterson police ,fire and ems what do they have in common you ask? They are run by 2 imbeciles named Jerry Speziale and Andre Sayeh.

  2. No respect for Deomcratic leaders by doing this. This man is a disgrace he deserves to be out of a job period not elected to a more powerful one. He only has support of people he is promising undersheriff positions to, little do they know he has 0 chance of ever being sheriff again.

  3. Speziale is a man who works miracles.He held 2 fu;; time jobs simultaneously–Director of public Safety in Paterson& police chief in Hazeton,PA.He also boasted of reducing crime 110% as P.D.Chief in Pritchard AL.Jerry doesn’t need a new job.He needs a class in remedial math.Let him tell the voters the names of the charities he gave the $500K in his campaign fund to when he resigned as our Sheriff.

  4. Speziale is as corrupt as the people he is employed by in paterson. He simultaneously held jobs because he wanted to line his pockets , any chance he gets to make a quick buck he doesnt pass it up, he is a money whore and camera whore and no real democrate will ever vote for this POS.

  5. I read the 3 responses against Jerry. Actually there were only three responses. No one can deny. Jerry’s honesty and commitment to law enforcement and the community. Political bosses of the democratic party has always had the fixed in these interviews With no concern for the community just Concern. for their Political power. and corrupt process. Is my very acute analysis of this?Fight coming from the party to be the one single thing that will destroy the regular percent county democratic party. There should be no interference in-law. Enforcement from a Mayor or party bosses. This should be no politics in law enforcement.

  6. Honesty and commitment are words I would NOT put in the same sentence as Jerry Speziale. Commitment is staying the course of the job you were elected to, unlike Jerry who decided to leave with years left on his term, we know he has no commitment considering he was having an affair with his current girlfriend while his wife was dying of cancer. Now residents of Passaic county, is this the type of Sheriff you want? Because a vote for Speziale is a vote for corruption and dishonesty.

  7. Wow ! Lots of harsh comments. Although I no longer live In Passaic County I always thought as a previous resident of Wayne that he did a commendable job. His personal life is no one’s business and only God can be judgmental. I read the Bergen Record every morning and really nothing seems to be getting better! I would also like to say that Rich Berdnick was a great Sheriff and a GREAT guy 🙏

  8. I find it interesting that all his hard core “republican” friends are now saying he is the best candidate for decmocrates. All his trump friends are now voting democrat? He must be promising them all jobs. Speziale is a joke always has been always will be. If someone offered him a higher paying job he wouldnt think twice about leaving again. People dont forget!

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