Testa Says No to the Murphy Monarchy

“Lady Tammy,” a crown on her head, peers upon the “peasants” from a balcony and proclaims:
“I have decided to bestow upon myself a higher calling.”
That, of course, is a run for the United States Senate.
The comic creation, which includes an aristocratic-sounding voice over, urges voters to “Say No To The Murphy Monarchy.”
This posting on X is the work of Republican state Sen. Mike Testa of LD-1 in South Jersey.
It is, of course, no surprise that Testa is having some fun with First Lady Tammy Murphy’s planned Senate run.
His posting includes a caricature of the governor and a suggestion that “Lady Tammy” will bring the same “regal touch” to the Senate as she and her husband have brought to the “Kingdom of New Jersey.”
What does that mean?
Well, “high taxes” for one thing.
As stated, you expect a Republican like Testa to poke fun at the First Lady.
But what has to be more troubling to some is that many Democrats may very well agree.
Ever since Tammy Murphy’s Senate candidacy announcement about three weeks ago, two things have occurred.
One is that much of the Democratic establishment has endorsed Murphy.
This includes some members of Congress, county chairpersons and many elected officials.
But on the other hand, we are also seeing a movement of some rank and file Democrats in opposition to “nepotism” and the power of party bosses.
The beneficiary of all this seems to be Rep. Andy Kim of CD-3 who announced his candidacy soon after Bob Menendez got indicted.
Kim is already making the rounds.
In the exaggerated verbiage common for such things, Kim recently said on social media:
“There is something extraordinary happening here in New Jersey. From Waretown to West Orange to Ridgewood to Summit and elsewhere (last) weekend, hundreds of people are coming out with an energy beyond anything I’ve felt before.”
How and if this translates to votes in next year’s primary remains to be seen.
One Republican candidate in the race is Christine Serrano Glassner of Morris County.
Testa acknowledged that it’s an “uphill climb” for any Republican considering a run for the Senate. The GOP has not elected a Republican senator in New Jersey since 1972.
That makes the Democratic primary uber-important.
Testa said his video has been well received in political circles and that he wants to show how out of touch the governor and the First Lady are.
His video ends with a prediction:
“But one thing’s for certain. The people of New Jersey won’t be trading their votes for crowns anytime soon.”
At least Testa hopes not.
TESTA, if you think you’re such hot shit, why don’t YOU run for Senator? Or does the thought of getting destroyed by either Kim or Murphy too much for your bloated ego?
Stop with the snark please. Governor Murphy has been great for NJ. What high taxes? Give your LD-1 seat to a Democrat who wants to work for us!
Gov Goffy has ruined much of NJ with his crazy left wing nonsense. Having his wife as senator will only make it worse. A vote for Menendez would be more honest.
Nepotism at it’s finest!! King Murphy is also the DNC finance chairman. Wonder how much money will go REP Kim’s way? $0.00 I presume. New Jersey is becoming a joke and will only get worse as long as liberal, leftist, loons are in charge
Governor Murphy has been great for New Jersey???? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Since Governor KNUCKLEHEAD has been in office, he raised the budget from $29 BILLION under Gov. Christie to almost double that in 7 years. (I guess he’s following in the footsteps of Biden and the Democrat-Communists in D.C. that have tripled the debt in 3 years). Property taxes have almost doubled since Goofy Murphy (a Massachusetts carpetbagger) has been in office.
New Jersey is ranked No. 1 has the worst state to live in because of property, income and sales taxes, and high cost of living. New Jersey is ranked No. 1 in its own residents, those who are the producers and have lots of assets (and equity in their homes) emigrating out of the state to no tax or low tax states and more liberty-loving states. New Jersey ranks in the top 5 for increase in crime in its major cities–contrary to the gun control lobby saying the gun violence rates in NJ are less than in Mississippi. That’s because the gun control idiots don’t count the major NJ cities in their gun violence surveys, and because Mississippi’s population is significantly less than New Jersey’s–2.8 Million vs. 9 Million. And, NJ government overregulates the small business owner to the point that we’ve lost well over 100,000 small businesses as a result of draconian regulations, highest business taxes in the nation, and the residue from the state’s unconsitutional lockdowns of businesses during COVID.
Those 4 major issues are why New Jersey is a failing blue state.
Thank god we have Senator Testa to speak for the people in New Jersey. Senator Testa would be the perfect candidate himself, he understands what it takes and what is needed. Unfortunately the party also needs him here right now, his loyalty to the people he serves always has and always will come before what is best for his career. Looking forward, I am sure we will someday see him in higher places but for now he will help to fight for the changes that are needed in our own backyard, while protecting the positions that needs to be filled elsewhere. I hear the TV Housewives Of New Jersey is looking for a replacement, that is pert for Tammy Murphy, right up her alley.
The Governor’s wife being anointed as a US Senator doesn’t pass the smell test, regardless of what you may think of her political party.
To say that her qualifications for the job are “light” is an understatement.