Trouble in Wayne: Councilman Goes off on Enderly (VIDEO)
On the eve of the election, people are getting testy, expletives included.
Against the backdrop off the LD40 legislative race, Wayne Councilman Richard Jasterzbski had it out with Susan Enderly, who this year received the top honor from the New Jersey Federation of Republican Women.
You can see the video below.
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This jerk needs to resign or be forced out of office.
What kind of man berates a woman like that in front of her children no less. This guy is a councilmen in our great township. He doesn’t deserve to represent maggots let alone the first Ward.
The video was upside down, but I couldn’t believe the vile things Jasterzbski said to Susan .. or anyone in public; disgraceful!
Isn’t he one of the DiGaetano crew? Really classy fellow.
Isn’t she a Vergano minion? Real honorable and trustworthy.
What were they arguing about? Not sure this behavior really needs context but before I share I want some back story.
This woman is a vile piece of trash, and she’s a corrupt as they come, she deserved every bit of that. Good for him for having the wherewithal to stand up for Wayne and not let the corrupt just walk all over us