Insider NJ’s 2019 Insider 100: Millennials Publication

Insider NJ's 2019 Insider 100: Millennials Publication

Download the 2019 Insider 100: Millennials publication here or view it below.


Welcome to Insider NJ’s 2019 Insider 100: Millennials publication, a listing of the most influential up-and-comers in New Jersey politics.

This is the under-35 club eager to make a mark on a largely stagnant ecosystem domineered by people who have already been around for decades.

This list is less a power list proper, with names arranged from one to 100 according to a strict observance of power, bureaucratic or otherwise. Rather, it is a conveyance of gathering strength; a harbinger of worlds to come. Some of the names here have also been around for years, but mostly they signify a collection of energy whose best days are ahead.

Unlike the Insider NJ Power List – which will appear in November – the Millennial List does not eliminate from consideration those individuals who serve in elected office. It represents a combination, in fact, of elected officials and non-elected officials.

Whatever their current status, it is possible – even among those currently operating at a very high level – that they have not yet fully arrived on the scene in their most potent political manifestation.

Let’s see what happens in the coming years…


Download the 2019 Insider 100: Millennials publication here or view it below:


The 2019 Insider 100: Millennials


To take a look at the inaugural edition of the Millennials List from 2018, go here.

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